vehicle that stalls? learn what it could be

Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? If this is a problem you are experiencing click here to learn more about it.

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vehicle that stalls? learn what it could be

Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? Do you struggle to keep your foot on the gas at each stop light to ensure the car doesn't stall in the middle of traffic? There are several issues that could be causing your car to stall - some of these problems are easily fixed. If this is a problem you are experiencing, take a moment to visit my website. There, you will find a list of possible causes, some troubleshooting techniques and what your mechanic may do to keep your car running when you stop. It is my hope that you will find exactly what you need to help keep your car running from start to stop.


What Should You Do When Your Car Breaks Down Far From Home?

5 November 2015
, Blog

When your vehicle breaks down in an unfamiliar area, your first (and wisest) instinct is likely to call a tow truck for assistance. However, once your inoperable vehicle has been hooked up and the tow driver asks you where you're headed, you may feel indecisive -- is it worthwhile to pay high mileage costs to have your vehicle taken to a mechanic you trust, or should you simply have your car or truck towed to the nearest auto repair shop that can get it running again? Read More …

How To Repair Dings On Your BMW

21 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You should only try to fix dings and paint chips in your BMW if they are very small. It is probably only worth fixing a paint chip on your car if it is smaller than a penny. Otherwise, you should take your car to a licensed BMW auto body repair shop like August European. You can learn to easily fix small paint chips with the right tools and supplies. This article explains how to make such small repairs on your own. Read More …

How To Change A Car Air Filter

6 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A car air filter filters out dust and other debris from your engine's air intake. If your air filter becomes too clogged with dirt and other contaminants, it will not be able to draw in enough air to efficiently run your engine, resulting in higher fuel consumption, slower acceleration, and overall reduced performance. In order to maintain your car's performance, you should change your air filter according to your owner's manual specifications. Read More …

Four Factors That Can Wear Out Your Engine Oil Faster

22 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you're planning to save money by lengthening the intervals between your oil changes, take the smart route by lengthening your oil's lifespan rather than just leaving it in the engine indefinitely and pretending it's okay. As a part of your oil-lengthening quest, you'll need to avoid anything that has the potential to wear down your oil faster. Here are four factors that can have this effect. 1. Filter problems Read More …

Using Brake Sensations To Diagnose Malfunctions

14 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You can tell a lot about a brake's condition by the way it feels. A good brake system should be firm (not hard) when you push down on the pedals. Any other sensation means that you have a malfunctioning brake. Here are three ways you can use your brake's sensations to diagnose its problems: Pedal Is Spongy Brake pedals should be firm. A brake pedal that feels spongy or soft can be caused by different problems, but the main one is the occurrence of air in the brake system. Read More …