What Sets Fleet Mechanics Apart From Traditional Mechanics?

Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? If this is a problem you are experiencing click here to learn more about it.

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vehicle that stalls? learn what it could be

Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? Do you struggle to keep your foot on the gas at each stop light to ensure the car doesn't stall in the middle of traffic? There are several issues that could be causing your car to stall - some of these problems are easily fixed. If this is a problem you are experiencing, take a moment to visit my website. There, you will find a list of possible causes, some troubleshooting techniques and what your mechanic may do to keep your car running when you stop. It is my hope that you will find exactly what you need to help keep your car running from start to stop.


What Sets Fleet Mechanics Apart From Traditional Mechanics?

20 June 2019
, Blog

If you have a fleet of commercial trucks or other vehicles that have to be maintained and repaired, it is wise to work with an experienced fleet mechanic. Even though a fleet mechanic and a traditional mechanic might do a lot of the same work, there are certain things that set fleet mechanics apart. This list can give you a basic idea of why a fleet mechanic is the better person for the job, when you have a fleet of vehicles that have to be taken care of.

They're Used to the Pressure

Having an entire fleet of vehicles to keep in good shape can be a lot of pressure. This can be a bit overwhelming for someone who is really only used to working on one vehicle at a time. Someone who is accustomed to fleet maintenance, on the other hand, should be able to handle the pressure without any major problems.

They're Usually Good at Keeping Records

Fleet mechanics are typically pretty good at keeping records. Of course, it's important to keep records with any vehicle, but it's even more important when you have multiple vehicles to keep track of. You should be able to rely on your fleet mechanic to help with this so that you'll always know what has and has not been done, maintenance-wise, to the vehicles in your fleet.

They Can Help With Prioritizing Maintenance and Repairs

In some cases, you may have to prioritize maintenance and repairs to make sure that the vehicles who need the most prompt attention are taken care of first. Someone who has experience in working with fleets can prioritize maintenance and repairs to make sure that your fleet vehicles are maintained in the right order.

They Often Have a Crew to Help Them

Depending on the size of the fleet that has to be kept maintained, it might require more than just one person to get everything done in a timely manner. Many fleet mechanics understand this and have other mechanics and other employees working with them.  This means that they will have help with taking care of your vehicles when they need it.

If you are looking for a mechanic who can help with taking care of your fleet of vehicles, you'll probably want to look for an experienced fleet mechanic for the reasons listed above. Then, you can help make sure that you have the right person for the job and that your vehicles are all maintained and repaired as they should be. There are many companies, such as Folsom  Diesel Works, that specialize in this kind of work and will be able to help.