Your Check Engine Light Might Be Due To An Overheating Transmission

Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? If this is a problem you are experiencing click here to learn more about it.

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Does your vehicle stall or stutter when you come to a stop? Do you struggle to keep your foot on the gas at each stop light to ensure the car doesn't stall in the middle of traffic? There are several issues that could be causing your car to stall - some of these problems are easily fixed. If this is a problem you are experiencing, take a moment to visit my website. There, you will find a list of possible causes, some troubleshooting techniques and what your mechanic may do to keep your car running when you stop. It is my hope that you will find exactly what you need to help keep your car running from start to stop.


Your Check Engine Light Might Be Due To An Overheating Transmission

16 February 2023
, Blog

A check engine light is something you never want to see. First, it might be a sign that something is wrong. Also, a check engine light is vague, and you'll never know the exact problem unless you have the technology to read the error codes. The problem might be a result of a defective transmission. 

Why Your Transmission Is Producing Error Codes

Your transmission might be slipping or may even be overheating. A transmission is the most likely to slip if it has worn-out gears or a clutch. You might also have a faulty converter, which can cause a transmission to overheat.

Overheating Is a Common Problem with Transmissions

A slipping transmission can also overheat. A transmission can also overheat on its own if it isn't slipping. A transmission naturally overheats unless it has enough transmission fluid. Otherwise, your parts will start to rub together, creating friction. Also, the fluid cools the transmission. 

Protect the Internal Components of Your Transmission.

The internal components of your transmission will eventually become damaged if you don't solve this problem. Both the clutch and the torque converter are vulnerable to high temperatures.

Very high temperatures can also cause your transmission fluids to degrade more rapidly. If you have a leak causing your transmission to be low on fluids, the liquids left in the transmission will not be as effective, compounding the problem. 

If your transmission is defective, you won't want to ignore the issue. The more time passes, the more likely your transmission will be broken beyond repair. However, a local auto repair shop will inspect your transmission and fix or replace it.

Why Your Transmission Is Overheating

After you have had your transmission repaired, you'll also want to find out why your transmission became damaged in the first place to avoid this issue from occurring again. For example, if you are often towing heavy objects, your transmission might have been overloaded.

If your car is too hot, this can also cause your transmission to fail. For example, if you have another mechanical defect that causes your engine to overheat or if you live in a sweltering region, your transmission might fail due to the heat. If you live in a busy area, you might start and stop your vehicle often. You will need to accelerate and increase the temperature of your car. Once you have identified the underlying causes, you can protect your transmission. 

For more information, visit a local vehicle repair shop